Education, Training and Development (ETD) is a priority area within the South African context and is supported by legislation, national policies, and strategies. To meet the ETD requirements of the workplace, within the context of a quality assured environment and processes, it is important to be able to identify and recognise competent ETD practitioners at various levels. All training fields require the services of those ETD practitioners who not only have a broad understanding and skills across all ETD roles, but with deeper skills in relation to a selection of several key ETD roles. Such practitioners will be able to provide leadership and management in relation to ETD practices, while providing specialist skills in key areas.
Qualification Entry Requirements
Grade 12
Prospective students are encouraged to further confirm the above entry requirements with the College Head before ruling themselves not compliant. Experimental learning may also be considered.
Career Path
Training and Development Manager
Skills Development Specialist
Quality Assurance Manager
Compliance Manager
Academic Manager
On completion of this qualification students will be able to:
1. Communicate in a variety of ETD settings.
2. Design and develop learning programmes and processes.
3. Facilitate and evaluate learning.
4. Engage in and promote assessment practices.
5. Provide learning support to students and organizations.
6. Conduct skills development facilitation.
7. Define standards and qualifications.
8. Manage and administer education training and development.
9. Engage in general management activities.